Here at The VBAC Link, our mission is to improve birth after Cesarean by providing education, support, and a community of like-minded people. NO matter what way you choose to birth, we want to support you during your journey in helping you know your options for birth. Welcome to our circle; we are so glad you are here!

Wednesday Jun 19, 2019
74 Genavie's HBAC + Birth Trauma
Wednesday Jun 19, 2019
Wednesday Jun 19, 2019
Today we are talking with Genavie who has quite the unique story. Her Cesarean was her fifth birth after having four vaginal deliveries. It traumatized her and her husband so much that they decided they were done having kids and he got a vasectomy. After they had a few years to heal emotionally and physically they wanted to have another baby and got a vasectomy reversal. Six months after that they got pregnant. 5 and a half years after having her C-section, they welcomed baby #6 at home with a midwife in a beautiful HBAC. We then discuss healing from birth trauma. You can find out more about that and all things VBAC on our VBAC blog.
Please note, in order to get stories from all over the country, and even other countries, we record using phone lines. For this reason, audio quality may vary between episodes and speakers.

Thursday Jun 13, 2019
73 Dr Stu and Midwife Blyss
Thursday Jun 13, 2019
Thursday Jun 13, 2019
We are continuing our Birthday week with another special episode for you! Today we are interviewing Dr. Stu and Midwife Blyss from Dr. Stus Podcast. We had such a fun time chatting with them and you are sure to fall in love with them just like we did! Together, they are answering your questions about VBAC and home birth and everything related to it. Tune in to see if your question gets answered!
Please note, in order to get stories from all over the country, and even other countries, we record using phone lines. For this reason, audio quality may vary between episodes and speakers.

Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
72 Jill's Twin VBAC + Twin VBAC Facts
Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
Today we are talking with Jill from Delaware who had a VBAC with TWINS! Her Cesarean was a traumatic birth center transfer. Her first VBAC she was in labor for four days and then her second VBAC was with twins. When she was 38 weeks pregnant with her twins her doctor insisted she get induced at 38 weeks. She signed an AMA refusing the induction and went on to have a healthy, unmedicated hospital birth with the twins at 39 weeks and 4 days. To find out more about twins and VBAC on our VBAC blog at thevbaclink.com/blog
Please note, in order to get stories from all over the country, and even other countries, we record using phone lines. Audio quality may vary between speakers.

Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
71 The VBAC Link's First Birthday!!
Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
It's our First Birthday today! Tune in as we discuss our best and most challenging moments from the first year of The VBAC Link. We talk about our struggles and our strengths and the ups and downs of the incredible journey this has been. We are excited to be celebrating with YOU and are so happy that you are part of The VBAC Link family. Head on over to our popular blogs page to see the most popular topics we have discussed so far at thevbaclink.com/popblog. You might be surprised at the questions we get asked the most.

Wednesday Jun 05, 2019
70 Stephanie's VBAC + Military Hospital Birth
Wednesday Jun 05, 2019
Wednesday Jun 05, 2019
Today we have Stephanie, who is a military spouse and gave birth in an army hospital. Her story is so much fun, and you might be surprised at the little nuances that make birthing at a military hospital different than birthing in a civilian hospital. During her VBAC, the nurse asked if there was a “table ready,” and she started to panic; she thought they meant an operating table, but instead, she was asked to start pushing with the next contraction. There are so many valuable tidbits of information in her story that you can find out more about on our VBAC blog at thevbaclink.com/blog.

Monday Jun 03, 2019
69 Jennifer's Twin Birth, Vaginal and Cesarean
Monday Jun 03, 2019
Monday Jun 03, 2019
Today’s special episode is from our friend Jennifer, aka Coco. She shares her journey through IVF, supporting a husband with cancer during her pregnancy, and the birth of her twins where she experienced both a vaginal and a C-Section delivery. Her story is so tender and one that you will want to keep following. Her hope is to help others as she shares her journey as a new widow and mother of twins. To follow her and learn more about her journey you can follow her at @cocoscaravan on Instagram or on her blog at cocoscaravan.com.
To learn more about VBAC and all things related, head over to our blog at thevbaclink.com/blog.

Wednesday May 29, 2019
68 Heather's 2CBAC + Uterine Rupture
Wednesday May 29, 2019
Wednesday May 29, 2019
We are sharing our first uterine rupture story today. Join us as we talk with Heather while she shares the story of her uterine rupture. Notice the signs she felt and how promptly her experienced team acted in order to get her baby out quickly and safely. Although uterine rupture is extremely rare, it does happen. Find out all about uterine rupture including the facts, statistics, and signs on our uterine rupture blog at https://www.thevbaclink.com/blog/uterine-rupture
Please note, in order to get stories from all over the country, and even other countries, we record using phone lines. For this reason, audio quality may vary between episodes and speakers.

Wednesday May 22, 2019
67 Julie's HBAC Rebroadcast
Wednesday May 22, 2019
Wednesday May 22, 2019
There is nothing better than a re-telling of an unconventional story! Join Julie as she re-tells her Cesarean birth story then explains how she chose to have her next three VBAC's at home (HBAC). Find out the nickname given to her doctor by the nurses because of his Cesarean stitching. You will be shocked by how she came through a funeral, a wedding, and having a baby in three days time! You can find even more information about home birth safety and the referenced study by the American Midwives Association on our VBAC Blog at thevbaclink.com/home-birth-vbac/
- fb.me/thevbaclink for Facebook
- @thevbaclink on Instagram
- Find Meagan and Julie’s birth videos on our YouTube Channel.
- More VBAC information www.thevbaclink.com
Please note, in order to get stories from all over the country, and even other countries, we record using phone lines. For this reason, audio quality may vary between episodes and speakers.

Wednesday May 15, 2019
66 Alicia's VBAC + Dual Care
Wednesday May 15, 2019
Wednesday May 15, 2019
Alicia has an incredible story with a little bit of everything. For her VBAC, she did dual care with a hospital OGBYN and a homebirth midwife. She had a slow, then intense home birth with a highly sought-after midwife and you will be laughing right along with her as she shares her story.
- fb.me/thevbaclink for Facebook
- @thevbaclink on Instagram
- Find Meagan and Julie’s birth videos on our YouTube Channel.
- More VBAC information www.thevbaclink.com
Please note, in order to get stories from all over the country, and even other countries, we record using phone lines. For this reason, audio quality may vary between episodes and speakers.

Wednesday May 08, 2019
65 Beth's VBAC + Mother Baby Bond
Wednesday May 08, 2019
Wednesday May 08, 2019
Beth is one of Meagan’s own VBAC clients and boy, does she have a story to share! Her VBAC labor started with her water breaking and progressing slowly. After some less-than-ideal interactions with hospital staff, and an anesthesiologist who “just wanted to have an adult conversation”, she had her VBAC a full day after going to the hospital. Her baby was born after an amazing experience that really testifies to the mother-baby connection. This is a must-listen episode! You can learn more about the science behind the mother-baby connection on our VBAC blog at thevbaclink.com/blog.
- fb.me/thevbaclink for Facebook
- @thevbaclink on Instagram
- Find Meagan and Julie’s birth videos on our YouTube Channel.
- More VBAC information www.thevbaclink.com
Please note, to get stories from all over the country, and even other countries, we record using phone lines. For this reason, audio quality may vary between episodes and speakers.