Here at The VBAC Link, our mission is to improve birth after Cesarean by providing education, support, and a community of like-minded people. NO matter what way you choose to birth, we want to support you during your journey in helping you know your options for birth. Welcome to our circle; we are so glad you are here!

Wednesday Dec 05, 2018
34 Enzhe's VBAC + International Parents
Wednesday Dec 05, 2018
Wednesday Dec 05, 2018
Join Enzhe as she tells you about her journey from Moscow, Russia, to Salt Lake City, Utah, to have her VBAC. When she arrived, she was determined to find the best team possible for her birth. After so much research and dedication, Enzhe decided on a birth center birth where she and her husband delivered their baby boy in the water. Her journey is inspiring and truly uplifting, and we’re so happy we were able to join her along this beautiful process of hers. You won’t want to miss out on this fun and empowering episode.
- Our NEW VBAC shop!
- fb.me/thevbaclink for Facebook
- @thevbaclink on Instagram
- Find Meagan and Julie’s birth videos on our YouTube Channel.
- More VBAC information www.thevbaclink.com
Please note, to get stories from all over the country and even other countries, we record using phone lines. For this reason, audio quality may vary between episodes and speakers.

Monday Dec 03, 2018
33 Lindsey + The Evidence for Doulas
Monday Dec 03, 2018
Monday Dec 03, 2018
Happy Holidays! We are excited to be bringing you a special episode EVERY Monday in December. This week, we have Lindsey, who walks us through having a gentle Cesarean and support from an incredible doula; you will never guess who her doula was! Then, we talk about exactly how a doula will benefit YOUR birth, no matter what type of birth you are planning. Check out our new VBAC doula directory specially created for women who have attended out VBAC doula training and certification program.
- Our NEW VBAC shop!
- fb.me/thevbaclink for Facebook
- @thevbaclink on Instagram
- Find Meagan and Julie’s birth videos on our YouTube Channel.
- More VBAC information www.thevbaclink.com
Please note, to get stories from all over the country and even other countries, we record using phone lines. For this reason, audio quality may vary between episodes and speakers.

Wednesday Nov 28, 2018
32 Erin's VBAC + Home Birth Safety
Wednesday Nov 28, 2018
Wednesday Nov 28, 2018
Erin’s VBAC story is a shocking one! Her contractions never got to be more than seven minutes apart, and how the fetal ejection reflex happened so quickly that her baby was born at home, unplanned, and unassisted while her doula and husband were pounding on the locked front door outside. There is a lot of fun and inspiring information in this story; it is sure to be a quick favorite for all. Then, we talk about home birth safety, and, as always, you can learn more on our VBAC blog at thevbaclink.com/home-birth-vbac/.
- Our NEW VBAC shop!
- fb.me/thevbaclink for Facebook
- @thevbaclink on Instagram
- Find Meagan and Julie’s birth videos on our YouTube Channel.
- More VBAC information www.thevbaclink.com
Please note, to get stories from all over the country and even other countries, we record using phone lines. For this reason, audio quality may vary between episodes and speakers.

Wednesday Nov 21, 2018
31 Tabitha's VBAC + VBAC After Multiple C-sections
Wednesday Nov 21, 2018
Wednesday Nov 21, 2018
Tabitha’s story is impressive! She has had 2 VBACs after having 4 (yes, four!) C-sections. Her OB told her that nobody in their right mind would touch her with a ten-foot pole when she wanted to VBAC. Now, that OB is a supportive midwife. See what happened to help her change her mind in this incredible VBAC story. You can find more about VBAMC on our VBAC blog at .thevbaclink.com/vbamc/.
- Our NEW VBAC shop!
- fb.me/thevbaclink for Facebook
- @thevbaclink on Instagram
- Find Meagan and Julie’s birth videos on our YouTube Channel.
- More VBAC information www.thevbaclink.com
Please note, to get stories from all over the country and even other countries, we record using phone lines. For this reason, audio quality may vary between episodes and speakers.

Monday Nov 19, 2018
30 Hannah + First Time Moms + Tips to Avoid a C-section
Monday Nov 19, 2018
Monday Nov 19, 2018
Surprise! It’s Monday, and we have our second special episode for you directed towards first-time moms and how to avoid getting a C-section in the first place. Share the love with your network, and let’s help reduce the overall C-section rate. In this episode, Hannah shares her story on how she navigated through her first pregnancy journey and avoided a C-section by finding a more supportive provider and educating herself on evidence-based care. Then, we talk about the primary reasons for initial Cesareans and how to avoid them. You can find out more about the four main reasons for C-sections and how to avoid them on our VBAC blog at thevbaclink.com/blog.
- Our NEW VBAC Facebook group!
- fb.me/thevbaclink for Facebook
- @thevbaclink on Instagram
- Find Meagan and Julie’s birth videos on our YouTube Channel.
- More VBAC information www.thevbaclink.com
Please note, to get stories from all over the country and even other countries, we record using phone lines. For this reason, audio quality may vary between episodes and speakers.

Wednesday Nov 14, 2018
29 Nicole's VBAC + Length Between Pregnancies
Wednesday Nov 14, 2018
Wednesday Nov 14, 2018
Nicole’s two boys are two years apart exactly. High blood pressure, preeclampsia, suspected big babies, meconium in the water, this story is full of so many ups and downs, but you will enjoy listening to Nicole share her journey. Her birth team was so incredible in helping her achieve her VBAC goal, so listen closely and pick up some tips, especially if you are planning on getting an epidural. After that, we discuss the recommended length of time between pregnancies after a C-section. What is the magic number? Tune in to find out! You can find out more about the controversial recommended length of time between C-section and your next pregnancy on our VBAC blog at thevbaclink.com/blog.
- Our NEW VBAC Facebook group!
- fb.me/thevbaclink for Facebook
- @thevbaclink on Instagram
- Find Meagan and Julie’s birth videos on our YouTube Channel.
Please note, to get stories from all over the country and even other countries, we record using phone lines. For this reason, audio quality may vary between episodes and speakers.

Wednesday Nov 07, 2018
28 Megan's VBAC + Birth After Loss
Wednesday Nov 07, 2018
Wednesday Nov 07, 2018
Megan shares her difficult journey through a twin pregnancy ending in a premature birth at 32 weeks via C-section and the loss of one of her babies, Madelyn, when she was just four days old. Her journey is unique as she mourned her daughter's loss while learning to be a mom to a preemie son in the NICU. She went on to have three VBACs and shares her second pregnancy journey, struggling with the unique emotions surrounding pregnancy after infant loss. You can find more about handling pregnancy after loss and how to support someone on our VBAC blog: thevbaclink.com/blog.
- Our NEW VBAC shop!
- fb.me/thevbaclink for Facebook
- @thevbaclink on Instagram
- Find Meagan and Julie’s birth videos on our YouTube Channel.
- More VBAC information www.thevbaclink.com
Please note, to get stories from all over the country and even other countries, we record using phone lines. For this reason, audio quality may vary between episodes and speakers.

Wednesday Oct 31, 2018
27 Aly's VBAC + Anterior Placentas
Wednesday Oct 31, 2018
Wednesday Oct 31, 2018
Aly is such a talented storyteller. You will love hearing her journey and how much she educated herself when preparing for a home VBAC (HBAC), with a placenta possibly lying over her scar, just 11 millimeters from her cervix. Aly is a true woman of strength as she used her intuition to guide her and find a birth team to support her. You can find more information on anterior placentas and the links to the study referenced on our VBAC blog at thevbaclink.com/intuition/.
- fb.me/thevbaclink for Facebook
- @thevbaclink on Instagram
- Find Meagan and Julie’s birth videos on our YouTube Channel.
- More VBAC information www.thevbaclink.com
Please note, to get stories from all over the country and even other countries, we record using phone lines. For this reason, audio quality may vary between episodes and speakers.

Wednesday Oct 24, 2018
26 Jenn's VBAC + Honoring Your Intuition
Wednesday Oct 24, 2018
Wednesday Oct 24, 2018
Walk with Jenn along the way as she shares her birth stories. You will listen in awe as she shares each of her incredibly different journeys and, during each experience, allowed her intuition to guide her to make the best decisions for her and her family. She works through a late-term stillbirth, an unplanned unmedicated birth, a planned Cesarean, a premature birth, twins, an induced VBAC, and a spontaneous VBAC; she has seriously been through it all. Then, Meagan talks about the importance of honoring your intuition as you prepare for your pregnancy and birth. You can find more information on our VBAC blog at thevbaclink.com/blog.
- Our NEW VBAC shop!
- fb.me/thevbaclink for Facebook
- @thevbaclink on Instagram
- Follow and subscribe!!
- More VBAC information www.thevbaclink.com
Please note, to get stories from all over the country and even other countries, we record using phone lines. For this reason, audio quality may vary between episodes and speakers.

Wednesday Oct 17, 2018
25 Molly's VBAC + Pregnancy Nutrition
Wednesday Oct 17, 2018
Wednesday Oct 17, 2018
Molly’s VBAC story is a party! You will giggle right along with Julie and Meagan as you listen to all the fun things going on in Molly’s birth space. From music to hip squeezes with a “double set of man hands” to Molly standing up to the birth she wanted, it is a story for everyone. Plus, Molly’s baby was the 3,000,000th resident of Utah! Who knew there were even that many people here? Check out referenced information and other info about good nutrition in pregnancy on our VBAC blog thevbaclink.com/blog.
- Our NEW VBAC shop!
- fb.me/thevbaclink for Facebook
- @thevbaclink on Instagram
- Follow and subscribe!!
- More VBAC information www.thevbaclink.com
Please note, to get stories from all over the country and even other countries, we record using phone lines. For this reason, audio quality may vary between episodes and speakers.