Here at The VBAC Link, our mission is to improve birth after Cesarean by providing education, support, and a community of like-minded people. NO matter what way you choose to birth, we want to support you during your journey in helping you know your options for birth. Welcome to our circle; we are so glad you are here!

Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
54 Shiraya's VBAC + Home Birth
Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
Shiraya worked hard to learn everything she possibly could to prepare for her HBAC (home birth after Cesarean). For her first child’s birth, she was unprepared for everything that would happen. An asynclitic baby led her to a Cesarean at 8cm dilated. When she found out she was expecting baby number two, she knew she wanted a different experience and found a supportive birth center with a midwife who trusted in her ability to birth. Shiraya’s third baby was a home birth transfer that ended in another VBAC, but was slightly traumatic. Her story is so inspiring and you will be laughing along with this fun woman of strength. Find out more about home birth safety on our VBAC blog: thevbaclink.com/blog.
- fb.me/thevbaclink for Facebook
- @thevbaclink on Instagram
- Find Meagan and Julie’s birth videos on our YouTube Channel.
- More VBAC information www.thevbaclink.com
Please note, in order to get stories from all over the country, and even other countries, we record using phone lines. For this reason, audio quality may vary between episodes and speakers.

Monday Mar 04, 2019
53 Talking to Your Partner About VBAC with Lyn Christian
Monday Mar 04, 2019
Monday Mar 04, 2019
What an incredible episode we have for you today! Lyn Christian is Julie’s and Meagan’s business mentor, a triple-certified business coach, and a master of all things conversational intelligence. We talk all about how to have an effective conversation with those you love and care deeply for that may not be supportive of your birth choices. If you have ever felt judged or hurt by people who you want to support you, this is a must-listen! You can find out more about Lyn on her website, soulsalt.com, and find the referenced TedX talk Head, Heart, and Gut here. We have an overview of how to have an effective conversation about VBAC with loved ones on our VBAC blog at thevbaclink.com/blog.
- fb.me/thevbaclink for Facebook
- @thevbaclink on Instagram
- Find Meagan’s and Julie’s birth videos on our YouTube Channel.
- More VBAC information: www.thevbaclink.com
Please note, to get stories from all over the country and even other countries, we record using phone lines. For this reason, audio quality may vary between episodes and speakers.

Wednesday Feb 27, 2019
52 Jennie's VBAC + Premature Births
Wednesday Feb 27, 2019
Wednesday Feb 27, 2019
Jennie has had quite the experiences with her births; her first C-section was due to placenta abruption at 28 weeks gestation. The circumstances surrounding that birth caused trauma and difficulties for her. She went on to have two VBACs, one of which the labor lasted more than 28 hours. We then talk about preterm C-sections and what evidence says about the chances for VBAC. As always, you can find the referenced information on our VBAC blog at thevbaclink.com/blog.
The sponsor for this episode is Earth Mama Organics. We LOVE their safe and clean products for mama and baby and have both personally used and recommend their products to our clients. Bonus! You can get 20% off your Earth Mama organic purchase by entering promo code "VBAC" at checkout at earthmamaorganics.com.
- fb.me/thevbaclink for Facebook
- @thevbaclink on Instagram
- Find Meagan and Julie's birth videos on our YouTube Channel.
- More VBAC information www.thevbaclink.com
Please note, to get stories from all over the country and even other countries, we record using phone lines. For this reason, audio quality may vary between episodes and speakers.

Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
51 Bethany's VBAC + Baby Positioning
Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
Bethany has such an inspiring story. Her first Cesarean was due to a poorly positioned baby and a placenta abruption. For her VBAC, she faced the same circumstances with an asynclitic baby but got the baby's position straightened out to end in a successful VBAC at a birth center. Find more about getting your baby in a good position on our VBAC blog: thevbaclink.com/blog.
The sponsor for this episode is Earth Mama Organics. We LOVE their safe and clean products for mama and baby and have both personally used and recommend their products to our clients. Bonus! You can get 20% off your Earth Mama organic purchase by entering promo code "VBAC" at checkout at earthmamaorganics.com.
- fb.me/thevbaclink for Facebook
- @thevbaclink on Instagram
- Find Meagan and Julie's birth videos on our YouTube Channel.
- More VBAC information www.thevbaclink.com
Please note, to get stories from all over the country and even other countries, we record using phone lines. For this reason, audio quality may vary between episodes and speakers.

Friday Feb 15, 2019
50 All About Julie - Special Birthday Episode
Friday Feb 15, 2019
Friday Feb 15, 2019
Surprise! It's Julie's Birthday! To celebrate, we have a very special birthday episode for you, all about Julie. You will learn things about one of your favorite podcast hosts that you never knew including, her rock paper scissors tactics, that time she got kicked in the head by a horse, her tropical skydiving adventure, and even a little bit about her relationship with Mr. Julie Francom (Don't tell him we said that, haha!). She even sings Happy Birthday to herself in Korean. Read more about Julie on our website at thevbaclink.com/julie and don't forget to hear over to our Instagram and Facebook pages and wish her a Happy Birthday!

Wednesday Feb 13, 2019
49 Schermisia's VBAC + Women of Color
Wednesday Feb 13, 2019
Wednesday Feb 13, 2019
Schermisia has such an incredible story! She fought hard for her VBAC and made so many educated and intuitive decisions along the way. We have wanted to share a story from a woman of color for a while now. In this episode, we are going to share the specific challenges women of color face in the birth room and why they have to work so much harder for an empowered birth experience. As always, you can find the referenced information on our VBAC blog at thevbaclink.com/womenofcolor/.
The sponsor for this episode is Earth Mama Organics. We LOVE their safe and clean products for mama and baby and have both personally used and recommend their products to our clients. Bonus! You can get 20% off your Earth Mama organic purchase by entering promo code "VBAC" at checkout at earthmamaorganics.com.
- fb.me/thevbaclink for Facebook
- @thevbaclink on Instagram
- Find Meagan and Julie's birth videos on our YouTube Channel.
- More VBAC information www.thevbaclink.com
Please note, to get stories from all over the country and even other countries, we record using phone lines. For this reason, audio quality may vary between episodes and speakers.

Wednesday Feb 06, 2019
48 Jeanine's CBAC + How to Handle the Unexpected
Wednesday Feb 06, 2019
Wednesday Feb 06, 2019
Jeanine is such an inspiration and a beautiful example of a woman of strength. Her VBAC preparation was perfect. She took a VBAC prep class, hired a doula, switched providers (twice), and overcame a lot of fears. Her baby’s birth took an unexpected twist when Jeanine spiked a fever and determined a repeat Cesarean was necessary. Listen to her story and hear how many small victories she had as she prepared to birth and labor started. Jeanine is a prime example of being 100% in charge of what was happening at her birth. You can find more about coping through unexpected changes in birth plans and healing from the loss of vaginal delivery on our VBAC blog at thevbaclink.com/blog.
- fb.me/thevbaclink for Facebook
- @thevbaclink on Instagram
- Find Meagan and Julie’s birth videos on our YouTube Channel.
- More VBAC information www.thevbaclink.com
Please note, to get stories from all over the country and even other countries, we record using phone lines. For this reason, audio quality may vary between episodes and speakers.

Monday Feb 04, 2019
47 Uterine Rupture Facts & Perspective with Julie and Meagan
Monday Feb 04, 2019
Monday Feb 04, 2019
The most controversial and fear inducing issue surrounding VBAC is uterine rupture. Although uterine rupture is rare, it does happen. Today we are talking about how to process fear surrounding rupture, what the real facts are, how to recognize it if it happens, and that the real consequences of rupture truly are. This episode is jam packed with information and experiences that will leave you feeling even more ready to conquer your birth experience with confidence.
- Download FREE VBAC birth affirmations for you birth space here!
- fb.me/thevbaclink for Facebook
- @thevbaclink on Instagram
- Find Meagan and Julie’s birth videos on our YouTube Channel.
- More VBAC information www.thevbaclink.com
Please note, in order to get stories from all over the country, and even other countries, we record using phone lines. For this reason, audio quality may vary between episodes and speakers.

Wednesday Jan 30, 2019
46 Caitlin's VBAC + Mental Preparation
Wednesday Jan 30, 2019
Wednesday Jan 30, 2019
Caitlin overcame some significant mental hurdles to prepare for her VBAC. She faced opposition from her provider, her family, and even some friends. She dug deep and surrounded herself with a doula and birth team that was incredibly supportive of her choices. She found our podcast, and binged listened to success stories through the end of her pregnancy. The affirmation "I am a Woman of Strength" was her mantra. You will love her inspiring story and will cheer her on right along with us as she shares her VBAC journey. Learn more about mental preparation for birth on our VBAC blog at thevbaclink.com/mental-prep/.
- fb.me/thevbaclink for Facebook
- @thevbaclink on Instagram
- Find Meagan and Julie's birth videos on our YouTube Channel.
- More VBAC information www.thevbaclink.com
Please note, to get stories from all over the country and even other countries, we record using phone lines. For this reason, audio quality may vary between episodes and speakers.

Wednesday Jan 23, 2019
45 Taylor's VBAC + Finding a Good Provider
Wednesday Jan 23, 2019
Wednesday Jan 23, 2019
Taylor’s VBAC and HBAC journey is so inspiring. From C-section to difficult hospital VBAC to a VBAC at home (HBAC), her HBAC ended in a hospital transfer for her baby, due to a concern about blood sugar levels; however, they got sent home the same day after the all-clear from a pediatrician. Taylor is a doula and ICAN member in her community in New Hampshire. Find more about ICAN and how to find a great VBAC provider on our VBAC blog at thevbaclink.com/vbac-provider/.
- Find your local ICAN chapter
- fb.me/thevbaclink for Facebook
- @thevbaclink on Instagram
- Find Meagan and Julie’s birth videos on the YouTube Channel.
- More VBAC information www.thevbaclink.com
Please note, to get stories from all over the country and even other countries, we record using phone lines. For this reason, audio quality may vary between episodes and speakers.