Here at The VBAC Link, our mission is to improve birth after Cesarean by providing education, support, and a community of like-minded people. NO matter what way you choose to birth, we want to support you during your journey in helping you know your options for birth. Welcome to our circle; we are so glad you are here!

Wednesday Mar 04, 2020
114 Pelvic Floor Health with Valerie Schwalbe, DPT
Wednesday Mar 04, 2020
Wednesday Mar 04, 2020
Valerie Schwalbe is a physical therapist specializing in pelvic health. But she's had so much hard core schooling and has been practicing for so many years, that she can speak authoritatively on any number of topics.
Julie and Meagan pepper her with questions about a bunch of stuff that many of you will find informative and useful.
Find her in Murray, Utah at https://www.wellbeingphysicaltherapy.com/
Topics / keywords: pelvic floor, chronic pelvic tension, incontinence, shapes of poop, kegals, pelvic floor dysfunction

Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
113 Brittany's VBAC + Big Babies and Small Pelvises
Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
Sadly, Brittany's first pregnancy ended with a miscarriage.
Her second pregnancy did not miscarry, and like so many first time mothers, she had some sort of vague idea that she wanted what she thought of as 'unmedicated, natural childbirth.' Which is all well and good, but when she reached her due date, a bunch of stuff came flying at her, and fast. More or less regular pregnancy and childbirth stuff, but she just wasn't ready for it and didn't have a backup plan.
And again like so many first time mothers, she was left disappointed and sad when that first baby was delivered via C-section.
Her next pregnancy was uneventful, just like her previous one. But with her first child, she didn't really get to a stage where contractions had a chance to kick in. This third pregnancy, however, labor started early and lasted a long time. How long?
Two and a half eventful days. Powerful, intense contractions every 5 minutes. Almost no sleep.
Did all of that labor pay off with a VBAC baby? Listen and find out.
Find out more about all things VBAC at thevbaclink.com.blog
Topics/keywords: military peace corps joke, miscarriage, long labor, small pelvis

Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
112 Nicole's VBAC + Breech Babies
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
Even though Nicole hoped for a natural birth with her first, her high blood pressure put the kibosh on that, and she was off to surgery for a C-section, even after days of laboring. And even though the actual Cesarean procedure wasn't that traumatic for her, the post-birth aftermath, particularly with the hospital staff, is what drove her to try for a VBAC with her second.
Her second pregnancy was progressing beautifully en route to her planned VBAC. Until her third trimester when her baby started doing somersaults in her womb just about every other day, and Nicole's high blood pressure started flaring up again. And when the day came, things were looking worse and worse.
Did she make it to her VBAC finish line, or would she be wheeled off to surgery again? Listen and find out.
Find out more about why baby's go breech and what you can do about it at https://www.thevbaclink.com/why-babies-go-breech-and-5-things-you-can-do-about-it/
Topics/keywords- breech baby, VBAC calculator, high blood pressure, chronic hypertension, preeclampsia

Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
111 Brooke's VBAC + Switching Providers
Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
Brooke thought she was all set up in her VBAC attempt with her second baby- a supportive provider, excellent progress reports through the weeks, trusty midwife at her side, husband cheering her on every step of the way.
Then, her provider went Brutus on her and stabbed her in the back (figuratively, not literally), leaving her with few options with only a handful of weeks before her due date.
Then things got worse. Her initial consultation with her new provider went less than promisingly when that provider's first statement was "If you want to have a VBAC, don't come to this hospital."
The only potentially good thing to come from that meeting was a recommendation of another hospital that would likely give her a shot at a VBAC.
Did that work out for her and her baby? Listen and find out.
Find out more about how to find a supportive provider at https://www.thevbaclink.com/post/vbac-provider

Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
110 Kara's VBA2C + Mental and Physical Prep
Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
Kara’s first baby was a C-section, with additional physical trauma and an extended hospital stay. Her second baby was an attempted VBAC, but this one, too, was a C-section; although this time, it was much less stressful for Kara, and she had an overall better experience.
With her third baby, Kara was more determined than ever to deliver vaginally. It helped immensely that her provider was 100% one her side and supportive from the get-go.
However, as she approached the finish line, signs were pointing to another C-section. Even with Pitocin, she wasn’t progressing and or dilated at all, and wasn’t really contracting; However, her provider had a couple of clever techniques up her sleeve.
Would those techniques finally provide the means for Kara to achieve her VBAC? Listen and find out.

Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
109 Things You Never Knew you Needed to Know About Birth with Julie & Meagan
Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
In this special episode, we talk about some of the things that parents (first-timers, second-timers, tenth-timers, etc.) will need to know and also bring to light some unexpected things that many parents simply have no idea might come into play in their birth journey. Sometimes these things happen without the parents the wiser!
Look at it like this: some parents in the past have learned these lessons the hard way or have had these things jump out at them unexpectedly, and we want to share these lessons with you. We want you to be as informed and as prepared as possible.
Find out even more in our How to VBAC Prep Course to Parents at thevbaclink.com/courses.

Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
108 Tracy's VBAC + Finding Your Support
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
Towards the end of her first pregnancy, Tracy’s baby was measuring very small. That specifically wasn’t the thing that led to the C-section, but that C-section was very unpleasant for Tracy. A difficult recovery and postpartum depression compounded her struggles in the weeks after the birth.
With her second pregnancy, she ran into similar circumstances as her first, which initially put a damper on her spirits. But this time, she was resolute and more informed than before and knew when to put her foot down.
Find out all about VBAC at thevbaclink.com/blog.

Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
107 Tatiana's VBA2C + Safely Avoiding Cesareans
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
In her first pregnancy, Tatiana was very young. Her provider used some scare tactics, but Tatiana didn’t think to not trust them 100%, and the baby was delivered via C-section. Tatiana wasn’t happy about it.
Second pregnancy: Tatiana was much more prepared and educated this time. She wasn’t happy with any of the providers in her area, so she planned on a home birth VBAC (HBAC). Most of the pregnancy went smoothly and according to plan, but that last, most important part is where things got a little bit complicated. Tatiana had to go with plan B and ended up at the hospital. Although still trying for a VBAC at that point, this one, too, ended in a C-section.
Third time’s a charm? Even though the nearest VBAC-supportive provider was two hours away, Tatiana made that drive for every appointment. Prodromal labor was the new twist with this pregnancy, and towards the end, crazy complications arose and the VBA2C plan was on thin ice, only getting thinner every day. How did it turn out? Press play and find out (hint: the word 'euphoric' is used more than once).
Check out our blog, The Four Main Reasons for Cesarean, and How to Avoid Them for more info.

Wednesday Jan 15, 2020
106 Rachel's VBAC + Unexpected Unassisted Home Birth
Wednesday Jan 15, 2020
Wednesday Jan 15, 2020
Rachel’s C-section with her first left her feeling defeated and overwhelmed. Therapy helped her through the months following the birth, but when she got pregnant a second time, she feared the same thing would happen. She studied hard about her options and decided to TOLAC (trial of labor after Cesarean).
You know what they say about best-laid plans? Well, Rachel did achieve her VBAC, but to say things didn’t go exactly as planned would be an understatement. Tune in to see how her exciting journey unfolds.

Wednesday Jan 08, 2020
105 Briana's CBAC + Uterine Rupture
Wednesday Jan 08, 2020
Wednesday Jan 08, 2020
Warning: this episode includes discussions about severe postpartum depression as well as uterine rupture.
Brianna's first pregnancy ended in an unremarkable Cesarean. Unremarkable at least as far as the hospital was concerned, but to Brianna, it was emotionally devastating. Even in the weeks following her child's birth as she physically recovered, that emotional devastation and the shock of how fast everything happened in the OR and how little control she felt she had over anything stayed with her.
When her second pregnancy quickly followed her first, she obsessively researched everything having to do with VBAC, all the while knowing that a second C-section was a possibility.
She tried and tried and tried and tried, but this pregnancy also ended with a C-section. But because Brianna was much more mentally prepared for it, and because her provider and the staff were much more accommodating to her wishes this time around, it was generally a more pleasant experience for her. Although it came with a heavy toll which was much more physical than mental this time.